Monday, 4 August 2014

"All was well" -HP ⚯͛

The day that I found the meaning of Euphoria 7/27/14

Hi. Notice how there is no exclamation point after because there is no cheer or excitement in my mind. Here I am sitting at Heathrow waiting for Hugh Grant to walk through the gate and greet him like Love Actually (jokes) no but seriously I am sitting here absolutely befuddled and anxious because its crunch time seeing as they only allow me to be on the free wifi for 45 minutes...rude. I cannot believe my time in London has come to an end, I think I was in denial that this day was going to come especially at this fast of a pace. I'm currently running off of 2 hours of sleep in the past 48 hours, staring at the Harrods across from me wishing I could afford everything in there, and drinking a final Pimms before I no longer have access to this beloved drink. Like…what is life. London, you are one of the greatest cities on this planet and I know its sooo cheesy when people say oh my gosh this is going to be the summer of a lifetime yay go me I'm independent! But now I get it, that statement is 100% true. I have learned so much over these past two months, made everlasting friendships and have these memories to last a lifetime. Wow I am really getting corny here and maybe even a little choked up (okay children stop staring at me return to your toys so I can mourn in PEACE. K now you're crying about missing your mom…your mom is getting food. My mom is miles away for f**ks sake mate suck it up!) Sorry…sidetracked there. So yeah, I encourage everyone to study or live abroad at some point in life because it is such a fantastic experience. Alright so last week of London adventures, GO!

Well if it isn't apparent from the post title, this blog will probably mostly be a lot about Harry Potter but you know what there will be other tid bits about life in here too so bear with me! So Sunday (7/26) was the most glorious day ever. Basically Warner Brothers Studios is awesome and throughout the 10+ years of filming HP they kept a lot of sets and things they needed because who knows if they'll need it again. Once filming was over they're like well shit…what should we do with our leftover stuff? Oh I know lets open it to the public and let them see the magic. Well played Warner Brothers, well played. Although they didn't quite warn-a brother how expensive it would be but worth every shilling and galleon. 
So we had to take the overground which is air conditioned and way nicer than the tube to get to this glorious place. Once you enter there are giant pictures everywhere of the cast ages 11 to 20 and it touched my heart immensely. We stupidly bought the audio tour because it was narrated by Tom Felton and thought we would listen to it, but we were in way too much awe the entire time that I could barely concentrate on one thing. When the tour starts you sit and watch a video of the three best friends and see some behind the scenes clips. I'm not going to give away the amazing thing that happens afterwards, but its pretty freaking mind blowing. After that its literally all a blur. You get into the great hall, then you are just in a land of every set or item EVER used and witness it all, then you're forced outside where theres butter beer and cheer and the infamous bridge where so many good conversations happened in the film. I'm not going to give too much away because I know all my HP fans will love it and have to go there in the future. Minus Universal, this was the greatest thing ever. 

Okay I could go on about this forever so resisting the urge. Next up we have Tuesday where my friend Sam and I went to see Shakespeare in Love after work. Yes they turned that movie into a play and yes Shakespeare looked like a combination of Orlando Bloom and Jon Snow. It was a great play, fun play fact about London you can bring your drinks into the theater and you can also put your order in for intermission. What…so technologically savvy and brilliant, America time to copy this!

Wednesday we had our final program get together where our staff members made a really sweet slideshow of everything we did and we had to go over some moving out information. After this, we had a talent show. So basically the staff was bugging me about doing something for about 2 weeks and when I finally agreed to it I figure ok it won't be that many people it'll be fine. They suggested I try to do some stand up for my future SNL career, but I had something better in mind. I asked one of the staffers who was basically besties with all of us if he could get me a keyboard…I had this idea. I can do the Dracula song he does in Forgetting Sarah Marshall. It'll be a hit! But I didn't actually think I could get a keyboard, oh. Scott got me one. So here I am after work trying to memorize this and only have an hour! I did a last minute switch and wrote my own lyrics to the Tiger Song in The Hangover and that song is so easy to memorize on the piano IF I had more than an hour. I'm scrambling to follow this youtube video and put post-its on the piano, but my staffers keep pressuring me to hurry up so I'm like whatever screw it. I go out and my entire program is there, 100+ people. SO embarrassing…if you know two things about me I can't sing and I haven't played the piano since I was 12. I warn everyone this and start to sing my song…people laughed (mostly at me but hey its something!). My friends have it on video if anyone actually wants to see it. After my horrible display we all got champagne and did toasts to an epic trip. In the words of Brad Pitt & George Clooney "its not a goodbye, its an see you soon".

Thursday and Friday were such great days to end the trip on. Thursday my friend Jenny and I went on a double date (yes a date!) to a comedy club in Leicester Square. Yes we got called out for being Americans and how much nicer our customs is to go through. It was hilarious. Friday was my last day of work and I was running off about 2 hours of sleep. Didn't let that stop me, I was cheery and fun to everyone. We popped some champagne at around 5pm, and they all gave me a card thanking me for my hard work. So first internship = success! I said my farewells and got a final dinner with all my friends. It was so nice, we all toasted to all the memories we made and were having a reunion in Vegas or Disney World. Or both…we then went to Zoo Lates which is where they open up the London Zoo at night and theres all sorts of fun things to do there! Carousel, face painting, food/drinks you name it. We didn't stay too long, I think we were more eager to go out with everyone instead. We get back and get really good drinks at a bar near us, then go to our favorite bar across the street Proud. Our whole program was basically there and it was the best time ever. Watched the sunrise on Primrose Hill, the perfect end to a more than perfect trip. 6am could not have come sooner and I had a total of 30 minutes of sleep (genius because I'm completely adjusted to cali time). So now we've come full circle and here I sit with all sorts of emotions and sadness about leaving this beloved city. London, I will be seeing you again. Thanks for all the memories and incredible experiences I wish I could do over! Cheers xx