Saturday 21 June 2014

Week 1

Well…I suppose I should start this thing the kids these days call blogging? Its some trendy thing people like to do when they go abroad so I'm going to succumb to the peer pressure and begin blogging. I know our generation hates reading anything over a paragraph but I can be funny and witty and if you like me maybe you'll read it so what the hell. HEY EVERYONE! Week 1 of London down I can't believe it, so much has happened I don't even know where to begin! Okay I'll start with the first weekend. Basically I arrived to London in shambles, overweight bag, empty stomach and unshowered. Where I'm staying is a cool hip dorm-like place with a freaking shower in the bathroom. Very convenient to put my foot on the toilet when I need to shave eh? I'm in Camden (No not NJ-Nicer Camden) and its so nice. There are vendors everywhere selling all types of food and clothes and were extremely close to Reagents Park which is great for running…when I do that…once a week…so the first weekend I just stuck around in Camden and explored.

My new friends in the program and I went out to this bar that used to be a theater (theatre in London lingo) and there was a big screen up for the first England soccer (football) game! It was great watching everyone go crazy for England, except we kind of forgot to remember that soccer matches are 90 minutes long so it kind of dragged on. The following day we all went to Oxford Street and I think I just about died. There are so many stores with so many amazing things its overwhelming. No regrets on ANY purchases. Sorry Dad...

They even sell cupcakes and boba in Top Shop! Cupcake picture necessary, hopefully it will make people keep reading this...Also I could get a hair cut or snack if I so desired while shopping. Why isn't America like this?! Okay anyways…Monday was my first day of work and I was low-key freaking out. That morning my phone decided to commit suicide on me so I awkwardly arrived about an hour early and sat in a park and watched pigeons. After meeting all my co-workers they immediately put me straight to work which was scary but easy once I learned where everything was. I'm actually reading the newspapers for work, my parents would be so damn proud! This film company is awesome! I'm on the PR team so we do so much for all their clients (Did I mention their biggest client is Disney? Childhood dreams coming true) so its really interesting seeing that side of a business. I just finished up a coverage book for Netflix on Orange is the New Black which was so exciting. Also London takes lunch breaks to a whole new level. Quick beer with co-workers? Why not. A lot of people just veg out and grab a quick sandwich somewhere which is what I do most days. It's so strange seeing what life is like in the real world and wondering when I'll be doing this full time…ew scary thoughts. So overall, work rocks and I'm learning a lot! DVD = Screener, Petty Cash = money to run an errand with, You All Right? = How are you? You have no idea how tempting it is to try to speak in a British accent while surrounded by all of them. I attempted the other day at work and my co-worker simply said "Stop." Point taken.

I won't go on too long because I could honestly right for an eternity on how much I love this city. Its like I'm in a Harry Potter dream world 24/7. Today was one of the funniest days. My roommate Haley and I rallied and decided to be touristy all day. We got off at the London Bridge tube station thinking hey this'll be close to Big Ben right? Oh. No. 4 miles later we walked along the river and got to see the big guy when in reality it's not that big up close. After that photo op we trekked to Hyde Park but obviously decided to get Fish n Chips before. We were headed to this place Haley's friend recommended and what do we know, its closed. London has the STRANGEST hours I don't get it. So were like no problem we'll find the next pub. Block or two later we sit down at a place and order Fish n Chips and a beer. About 15 minutes later the woman returns to tell us their fish fryer is broken…you have to be kidding me. The ONE country where this is their main dish and we've failed at finding it twice? Also running on an empty stomach didn't help. We have come this far were not giving up. So naturally we chugged our beer and started walking again. Finally we found a pub that served it and got our desired meal. Third times a charm am I right? After that we walked Hyde Park which is officially the greatest park in the world. There were tons of people picnicking in flower headbands and just having a great time so obviously that is the place to be. Said hi to William and Kate then trekked our way back home. Nap time happened shortly after, along with some foot cream and showering.

Well that is all for now! Tomorrow we will be doing more touristy things so I'll have more updates coming soon. Cheers!

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